The essence of our work is to preserve the innocence and innate wonder of early childhood by creating a magical, loving home-like environment with natural materials where children engage in creative play—the foundation for academic learning.
Our day unfolds in an orderly way following a dependable rhythm that helps the child develop a sense of trust, security, predictability, and consistency.
Through imaginative play, artistic activities, verses, song, movement, stories, and puppet shows the child’s emotional, intellectual, and spiritual life are strengthened. Non-academic in nature, a strong foundation for future academic success is laid through our daily activities.
Creative play, both in the classroom and outside, enables the children to strengthen their bodies, forge healthy social relationships, create their own challenges, and engender interest in the world around them. Spatial awareness and sensory integration are enhanced through large movements.
Through daily storytelling, puppet and marionette shows, and participating in dramatic play, the children are offered rich exposure to language and culture while enhancing their listening, memory, and vocabulary skills.
Meaningful, practical work is integral and essential to the Kinderhof Day, thus developing the young child’s will and building inner strength and self-esteem.